Google has posted a thorough explanation of the data that Google Chrome sends to Google and others and how to opt out of it. I give Google brownie points for this, but... where is my Chrome for Linux, yo? ;)
Easter eggs always make me happy, and while I can run the browser
(except in VMWare, which barely counts), I have to share this one.
(except in VMWare, which barely counts), I have to share this one.
Google just released the beta version of a new browser, complete with a neat comic book about it. It sounds neat, and I'd love to play with it, but like everything non web based that Google releases, it currently only runs on Windows (and while you can build the source for Mac OS X, there is no such luck for Linux). This makes me a sad panda. Hopefully they get a GUI working on Linux in the near future.
(And I can't build it on my Mac, since the Mac build is Leopard only, anyways...)