You find out about Sad Trombone and Instant Rimshot from your coworkers.
The article on Bigfoot is comedic gold.
On my morning run, I have discovered that Heather Farm is surprisingly close to my new house. For reference, my wife and I got married here. So I had to take a little detour.
Note that if you haven't played Portal, go get it, play it, and come back in a few hours to finish reading this post. Otherwise, it probably won't be amusing. (You have been warned. ;) I just found out about this. I can hear her now: "You ate your only friend. That's why nobody likes you. You're such a horrible person."
My friend/coworker just told me about the Banana Chase 5k, which is happening on September 14th. It sounds like a lot of fun: there are people dressed in Bananas running the course, and you have to outrun as many as you can. Anyone wanna join in?
Also, I'm running the Golden Gate Park 10k in October, and if anyone wants to join me, register and drop me a line.The New York Times has this neat Buy or Rent Calculator, that pretty much covers every parameter you might want to use to calculate if buying or renting is better for you. Definitely easier than slogging through the math by hand! =]
Awhile back, apm posted about Curing Online Package Tracking Refresh Madness In Two Easy Steps. Today, I have discovered that technology has advanced, and it can now be cured in One Easy Step. (In case you're too lazy to click through to the post I am referring to, here's the xkcd strip about the madness.)
I find this decision pretty cool, having somewhat grudgingly signed non-compete agreements in the past. Yet another reason to work in Cali, despite the obnoxious cost of living here.
A rather interesting vulnerability in OpenID has been posted:
Ben Laurie of Google's Applied Security team, while working with an external researcher, Dr. Richard Clayton of the Computer Laboratory, Cambridge University, found that various OpenID Providers (OPs) had TLS Server Certificates that used weak keys, as a result of the Debian Predictable Random Number Generator (CVE-2008-0166). In combination with the DNS Cache Poisoning issue (CVE-2008-1447) and the fact that almost all SSL/TLS implementations do not consult CRLs (currently an untracked issue), this means that it is impossible to
rely on these OPs.
Neat stuff. (And a reason that software really should check CRLs.)
They've added support to autopost to nearly every blog in existence. RIP my rss2lj script, long live actual builtin autoposting.